Term Of this service
In Term of this services:
1. Please fill the from we provide to collect your personal data, please give us real information,such address and name ,mobile phone number and email address 2.That information will usefull in the future when we expand our services 3.In case of server error or troubles which out of our control, we are not responsible if any data lost or missing, delayed, corupt or infected by viruses. 4.DO NOT use this service to:black mail, spaming,spreading viruses,pornographic illegal activities,money laundring,abnormal sex activities over email and anything against the Indonesia, USA and International laws 5.We can refuse to give you any name alias without any reason 6.We can freely delete or close your account without any announcmen,if we feel need to. 7.This service are all under cpgalo.bizland.com copyright and it is legal material belong to cpgalo.bizland.com , any copy of any material will prosecute in court of law. 8.This is not a trial period agreement . We generate the revenues necessary to pay for this service through OPT-IN Email Advertising. This means that we allow advertisers to send messages to you. These messages will not contain pornographic or adult material, and they will also not include MLM (Multi Level Marketing, Pyramid) schemes. These are legitimate companies offering you valuable products, services, and discounts. The information you provide on the signup form will allow us to only send messages that interest you. If you have a problem with a particular message, you must mail to: admind@cpgalo.every1.net. Do not send cancel-requests or remove-requests to the advertisers. The messages will contain information to identify it as a solicited message. For your privacy and security, we do not disclose your address to the advertisers, but rather an alias. We strictly regulate these messages and would appreciate any comments you have on them. 9. By sign up with http://cpgalo.bizland.com then you agree about term and conditions of http://cpgalo.bizland.com
Thank you for using our services